Alcohol and Health

Alcohol and Health

This is a good time of year to explore alcohol and health. The holiday season is right around the corner – a time when people generally eat more, drink more, and loosen their boundaries when it comes to healthy living. The thought process is often, “I’ll just enjoy...

Long COVID Treatment Program

Long COVID Treatment Long COVID Treatment Program Long COVID Syndrome (otherwise known as Long Haul COVID, Chronic, or Post COVID) refers to persisting or emerging symptoms following an acute COVID infection. It has been shown to affect nearly all systems of the body...

Mycotoxin Detox Program

Mycotoxin Detox Program Mycotoxin Detox Program Mold toxicity may be more common than is currently recognized. Exposure to contaminated air and dust from water-damaged buildings or other mold sources, such as contaminated food, can trigger a systemic inflammatory...