
Whole Body Hyperthermia Whole Body Hyperthermia Whole-Body Hyperthermia refers to heating the body to a specified core body temperature using sophisticated equipment as a medical therapy.  Much scientific data and research has been done on Hyperthermia, especially in...


Therapies Dendritic Cell Immunotherapy Dendritic cells are a part of the immune system that have a great capacity to capture and process antigens, which can help identify cells that should be the target of immune defenses. They are very effective as messengers, as...


Travel to Sanoviv Coordinating your travel to Sanoviv We completely understand that traveling for a medical treatment may seem overwhelming. We make getting to Sanoviv Medical Institute easy and stress-free. From picking you up at the airport to dropping you off at...


Medical Treatment Program Medical Treatment Program In an increasingly toxic world, we are regularly exposed to pollution, pesticides, and other contaminants. Lifestyle factors like an unhealthy diet, stress, and lack of sleep and exercise can put our body in a state...

Advanced Care for Cancer

Cancer Treatment Program Advanced Care for Cancer We recognize cancer as a severe degenerative disease. The Sanoviv Cancer Treatment Program is designed to address the root cause of the disease and provide healing support to your whole body. Our integrative approach...