Exercise Theory

  “Where our mind goes, our energies follow.”  So believe practitioners of Qigong, the ancient Chinese healing exercise.  The philosophy of exercise today embraces this age-old wisdom.  Fitness is no longer focused on “going for the burn”, or the “no...

Do it yourself Detox Tips

  Extra credit for these quick do-it-yourself detox tips: Body brushing – using a soft, long handled brush, take seven minutes to brush your skin with smooth strokes, always brushing toward the heart Observing one liquid-only day each week, whether or not you are...

Top 3 ways to Detox at Home

Detoxifying the body of wastes, heavy metals, and environmental chemicals is one of the reasons many people choose Sanoviv as a place to heal and learn about their health.  Dr. Francisco Ulloa, our Chief of Medical Staff, offers these ways to detoxify your body at...