Diabetes Type II

Diabetes Type II Treatment for Type II Diabetes Type II Diabetes is a chronic disease that is characterized by imbalances between the various systems in the body. This causes changes in insulin and blood sugar levels which cause an increase in inflammation. If these...


Chronic Digestive Issues Chronic Digestive Issues Treatment To explain how we treat Chronic Digestive Issues, we want to first explain how many people arrive at this condition in the first place: In a lifetime,a well-nourished human consumes on average between 30 to...


Treatments Treatment Introduction We offer a wide array of diagnostics and treatments to support your health and healing. Here you can find the best of alternative and integrative care that is hand tailored to your specific needs. Our goal is to find and treat the...


Cancer Treatment FAQ What are the most common cancers that you treat? Since we focus on the underlying causes and imbalances that create cancer in someone’s body, we can treat various types of cancer. The most common ones that we treat are breast cancer, colon cancer,...


Treating Other Cancer Types Treating Other Cancer Types At Sanoviv, we are able to treat many types of cancer. While cancers of the breast, lung, colon, and prostate are some of the most common types of cancer, and we have specific information on our website regarding...