Chronic Digestive Issues

Chronic Digestive Issues Treatment

To explain how we treat Chronic Digestive Issues, we want to first explain how many people arrive at this condition in the first place:

In a lifetime,a well-nourished human consumes on average between 30 to 60 tons of food. This food can be detrimental to our health depending on two main factors:

Production and transformation of food has become a huge business. This has skewed the focus on food from nutritional value or health benefits, to the profits that can be made. This focus on profit makes it necessary for big business to include the massive usage of chemicals and genetic alteration in order to promote growth and kill pests and disease.

Our own personal eating habits (what and how we eat) might further decline our ability to stay healthy.

Also, the medications you take and your levels of stress can influence this breakdown in your digestive system.

Here is an overview of some of the therapies you might receive at Sanoviv to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and other digestive and absorption issues.

Our objective is to reduce inflammation, improve gut permeability, optimize absorption, improve the intestinal flora, modulate the immune response and teach you how to eat and how to relax:

Food as medicine: Our therapeutic oligoantigenic elimination diet that will help detect any food allergens that can be contributing to your symptoms.

A wide range of treatment modalities could be used, including nutritional recommendations and the use of natural supplements, herbs and homeopathics in order to heal the inner lining of the digestive tract and renew the cellular function.

Colonic irrigation could be recommended by your practitioner. Colon hydrotherapy involves the safe, gentle infusion of water into the colon via the rectum. No chemicals or drugs are involved and the entire therapy is both relaxing and effective. Colon Hydrotherapy and colonic irrigation offer you an excellent opportunity to restore and maintain optimum colon health in your life.

Since stress is often a trigger for chronic digestive issues, meditation, relaxation and massages can be used to restore balance to the digestive system. Massages will help promote proper detoxification.

Specific exercise recommendations will be given by our fitness department in order to promote proper elimination.

Chiropractic care will help remove interferences to the nervous system and restore proper function of the spine when needed. This treatment will have an impact on the innervations of the whole digestive tract. In the presence of hiatal hernia, external visceral manipulation can be performed to bring proper integrity of the function.

We know that your stay at Sanoviv is only the beginning of your healing process. To support you on your way to recovery, you will receive an individualized home program at the end of your stay which you will incorporate as part of your daily lifestyle. We will continue to support your progress with our After Care program that will effortlessly coordinate any questions or comments you might have for your health team.


Chronic Digestive and Absorption Issues (Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, etc.) can present themselves in different ways. Depending on the region where your digestive system is affected the most, you may be experiencing symptoms like:

  • Reflux
  • Bloating
  • Belching
  • Constipation
  • Loose stool

But regretfully, as you might already know, this can be only the beginning. These complaints can be just the first glimpse into a complex picture of more serious disorders linked with autoimmune and chronic inflammatory responses.

This can happen when unfavorable conditions in your gut remain present for a certain period of time, deteriorating the intestinal wall, with the possibility of causing intestinal permeability (commonly called “leaky gut”), a situation that is closely associated with chronic systemic inflammation and the development of autoimmune diseases which can affect different areas of our bodies, including our joints or glands, like the thyroid.

With this in mind, at Sanoviv we have made available a complete assessment of the digestive system from the medical and nutriological points of view. Our team of experts will use several clinical tools that will help pinpoint your complex digestive issues. Some of these are:

  • Thorough medical history and evaluation of all possible antecedents and triggers to the current condition.
  • Heidelberg test: This test measures the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  • Endoscopy with biopsy to check for Helicobacter Pylori.
  • Comprehensive lab work, including stool tests such as the CDSA 2.0 which will measure the presence of dysbiosis, inflammation markers, enzyme functions etc.
  • Dark Field Blood Microscopy to check for optimal levels of enzyme production and adequate digestion of nutrients.
  • Bioenergetic testing


Not only do we have state of the art diagnostic and assessment tools, we have a fully integrated team of health professionals who will study all of this information and connect the dots in order to determine not only why your biochemical, physiological, structural and psychospiritual individuality has developed Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Disease, Chronic Ulceritis or other digestive issues, but also how you can regain your health. These diseases, like many others, usually come from multiple imbalances in person’s life.  You will work in partnership with your team of health professionals that in turn will work with the whole staff of health professionals to create a program specifically designed for you from all the information obtained.


In your Health team:

Your Medical doctor will facilitate your medical treatment and coordinate all other treatments into your program.

Your Psychologist will help to determine any emotional factors that might contribute to your digestive issues, as unchecked stress can have a powerful effect on the function and structure of the digestive system.

Your Dentist will assess and treat any issues that could exacerbate the inflammatory process like heavy metal toxicity from amalgams. We know that heavy metals can play a role in poor digestion and they have been recognized as a cause of dysbiosis. The need for amalgam removal and detoxification of heavy metals will be closely evaluated by your medical team.

Your Nutritionist will assess your diet and give you information on the critical role food will play in healing your gut.

Your Chiropractor will assess and treat any structural imbalances that might be contributing to your health issues, such as the adjustment of the lumbar spine that can help restore the balance of the nervous system innervating the entire digestive tract.

Your Fitness Expert will help you strengthen and exercise your body in a holistic way to support detoxification and healing.

Sanoviv recommended diagnostics “Integrative Physical” “Comprehensive Diagnostics”.



Have you been diagnosed or been dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) or Ulcerative Colitis? Have you been told that there are no more options and that all that can be done, has been done, and yet you still feel miserable? We know how frustrating it can be dealing with your symptoms and prognosis. We know that not finding solutions, to what will return you to health adds another layer of frustration, fear and worry. Our understanding comes from caring for the countless people we have treated, and helping them to find real answers and solutions.

We invite you to learn about another way of seeing things, another way of curing chronic digestive diseases.

At Sanoviv, we not only take care of you, we care for you. Compassion, love and caring are our strengths.

We are committed to making you our partner in your healing. Our specially trained staff will work with you to find and treat the root cause of your disease. We focus on treating you as an individual, as the biochemically, physiologically, structurally and psychospiritually unique person that you are. Working with you as an individual and finding the root cause of your health issues is our commitment.


How soon will I get better?

Some people can see instant results and improvement of the digestion just from being in our relaxing environment, eating the right food and receiving our care. The cells of the lining of the digestive tract are renewed around every 3 weeks so it’s possible to see fast results when we remove the offenders and heal the damages. Since everybody is different, it can vary from one patient to another. We need to respect your individuality and accept that sometimes it can take longer.

Can you help me without the use of allopathic drugs?

In some cases, yes. The most common CDI diseases fair very well with our approach. Since CDI can come from multiple underlying factors (chronic stress, adrenal fatigue, heavy metal toxicity, food allergies/sensitivities, etc.) we are especially well prepared to treat them in an integrated, balanced way.

I was told I have to have part of my colon resected. What does your approach say about this?

We feel that this needs to be a last resort in the treatment of CDI. Traditionally, the role of diet and the immune system are not taken into consideration, which we find can be some of the main triggers for inflammation of the gut. Our focus is to find the underlying causes of what is causing your particular inflammation and create a treatment plan to heal the digestive tract and prevent the need for surgery.

What do you mean when you say you practice “Functional Medicine”?

Functional medicine is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. By shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered approach, functional medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms.

What is the importance of the integrative team approach?

The importance of this approach is that you are assessed and treated as a whole human being. Many of the health issues that we faced today are multi-faceted; there is no one definitive cause. When a whole team of health professionals come together and make sense of the information, it is easier to see what are the underlying factors that weave together to create your unique symptoms. Once we have this clarity, dealing with it effectively is much easier.

I just saw the dentist recently, why do I have to see one again at Sanoviv?

In our integrated approach the assessment by all the health professionals is very important. Even though all our professionals are certified and licensed by their specific profession’s Board, we go above and beyond what allopathic care practices. In regards to dental care, here we practice Biological Dentistry. This form of dentistry takes into consideration many things that traditional dentistry would not. These different paradigms and assessment tool are what sets apart from traditional care.

I have a wide range of issues and feel overwhelmed, what can you offer me?

We will help you organize your health priorities in the order of what will have the most profound impact on getting you healthy again. We will properly assess and treat the underlying causes through the use of specialized tools and prioritize those areas where we can have the most impact. You will leave Sanoviv with a detailed plan on how to approach healing in a functional way. Think of it as your personal owner’s manual.

How soon will I feel better?

It all depends on the duration and severity of your health issues. What is possible is to determine the right path to wellness through an integrative assessment and treatment plan that will combine the best of allopathic and alternative medicine. We will work together to facilitate you being an active participant in your health and healing. With our support, you can be the hero of your healing journey.

Will I ever stop using medication if I follow your program?

The mechanism of action of medication is mostly to block chemical reactions in the body and most of the time won’t have an impact on treating the root factor that is causing the imbalance in the body but rather to artificially maintain balance. As an example, a lot of people will take a Tylenol when they get a headache but the headache is not caused by a deficiency of Tylenol. In Sanoviv we will work together at finding what is the cause for the headache and treat it. When you come to Sanoviv, we start treating the causes of the disease and over time, the body will find its balance again. For this reason, you might start seeing changes in laboratory values and the doctor might have to start reducing the medication and reduce dosage until you reach homeostasis.

Can I bring someone to help me out at Sanoviv?

Yes, you can bring a companion to support your stay. Especially since our program is based on applying lifestyle changes to support your ongoing health, bringing your spouse or significant other can be helpful as both of you can learn firsthand about these recommended changes. We require you bring a companion for support if you are very compromised and cannot get from appointment to appointment without assistance.

What type of IVs do you use?

We use different types of IV therapy protocols depending on the type of health issues and the biochemical individuality of each guest. For a more detailed explanation of this please refer to our IV Therapy page. Our main goal with IV therapies is to provide vital nutrients to the guest, bypassing the digestive system to allow a greater absorption by the body.

What does a typical day at Sanoviv look like?

Even though we have a set of daily activities, each schedule is different from guest to guest. We really hand tailor your treatment to best accommodate what you need to be well. Usually our days start with an hour of relaxation practices, like meditation and energy medicine class. Then a light stretching class after which you have breakfast. Afterwards, most of the therapies and consultations take place. Usually there is some time for a snack break before lunch. After lunch we have some of our afternoon classes or more therapies and sessions until dinner. After dinner we have the main class in our auditorium to end the day.

Do I need to comeback after the end of my treatments?

Usually it takes years of detrimental lifestyle choices and habits to start showing symptoms of imbalances in the body. Regaining your health is a process and we can not expect to reverse all imbalances within a couple of weeks. What we can do is help you get on the road to recovery. For this reason, it’s ideal to come back after having applied all recommendations suggested by our team so we can reevaluate your current state of health and help you continue on the path to optimal health. Of course, this is not mandatory but strongly suggested.

Do you do surgeries at Sanoviv?

Yes. Even though our approach is based on finding the most natural and least invasive course of treatment, we know that sometimes surgery is unavoidable and is a necessary step in your recovery. We offer a wide range of surgeries that can be combined with our innovative therapies and treatments to speed your recovery. Please check our Surgeries at Sanoviv page for more information.

I have special dietary needs. Can Sanoviv accommodate these?

Yes. We are experts at accommodating special dietary needs as we know the importance of having the right food for your specific needs can be to get well again. Our nutritionists and kitchen staff are highly proficient in adapting our meals to serve you in the best way. Nutrition and eating properly for your biochemical individuality is one of the cornerstones of our treatments.

Am I going to be eating twigs and leaves all of my life?

The diet at Sanoviv is a whole-food, cleansing diet that eliminates many of the common food allergens along with processed foods, sugar and damaged oils.  Although you eat many vegetables (both cooked and raw) here, your nutritionist will provide you with a diet to follow at home based on your health condition, your access to certain foods, your ancestral heritage, and your desire to make positive health changes.  Our goal is to provide you with a diet that will nourish you and improve your health, but also one that is realistic and works with your lifestyle.  You may not be eating “leaves and twigs” all your life, but you will have been introduced to many new and different foods during your stay here as well as how certain foods are used as medicine


Each program focuses our assessment and treatment tools towards a specific health issue and your individual experience of these health issues, you can find more about our programs here.

Contact a Health Advisor

If you feel that your specific health issue or area of interest does not fit into any of these areas, please contact us to speak with a friendly admissions person.  They will be happy to answer your questions and provide information.

Therapies & Classes

At Sanoviv, we are pleased to offer an extensive array of proven therapies from around the world, from therapies, detoxification treatments, nutrition lectures, fitness classes and more.