Like the ocean washes the sand underneath, so does lymph wash our cells.  Our responsibility is to create the tides within our body so the lymphatic system can work effectively.  In our previous post , we learned about basic functions of lymph and the lymphatic system.  Let’s explore this together in more detail.

You can compare the lymphatic system to your local sanitation department.  What would happen if your municipality was unable to pick up any garbage?  There is not much difference between this accumulation of trash and the mess that can occur in your body, if it is not cleaned out.  The lymph system is your body’s garbage collector and it must be cared for in order for it to function properly.  This means you must keep the lymph moving! Remember – the only pump you have for the lymphatic system is moving your body, and rebounding  is ideal for opening and closing the lymph valves and increasing white blood cell production.

The lymph carries out many important functions.  It is an amazing network of fluid, organs, nodes, nodules, ducts, glands, and vessels that continuously and aggressively, cleanse the system of waste matter.  Millions upon millions of nodes, some minuscule, some large, guard the passages into the body against the intrusion of destructive substances. 

Placed end to end in a straight line all the lymph vessels in the body would cover a distance in excess of 100,000 miles. They would circle the globe 4 times.  The lymphatic system picks up wastes from all the cells and through a complex series of processes, breaks them down and arranges their elimination from the body.  It is also involved in the production of white blood cells (lymphocytes) that seek out, capture and destroy foreign substances, such as bacteria and other “invaders’ and removes them from the body.

To understand your immune system and to better serve your health, you must understand your lymph.  We’ll continue this Sanoviv series in “Let’s Learn about Lymph – Part 3” .