The holidays are upon us, and we are most likely rushing to get things done before the end of the year. Sanoviv offers the following tips for staying happy and having a healthy holiday season.

Be grateful.

Start each day thinking about those things for which you are grateful. Acknowledge the blessings in your life, even if you are experiencing difficult times. Choose three things each day.

Make time for daily exercise.

Even if you don’t have time for your regular exercise routine, a 10-15 minute walk in nature each morning can help quiet your mind, improve blood circulation, and start the day with clarity and focus. In fact, daily exercise is even more important during the holidays and can lessen the harmful effects of short-term overeating.

Eat well for a healthy holiday.

Nutritious eating is a powerful way to ensure your body can handle stress. Enjoy some holiday treats, but be sure to eat plenty of whole foods each day. Strive for high-quality ingredients in your traditional recipes. Plan a liquid-only day with plenty of fresh vegetable juices after a major food event to balance overall intake. Drink plenty of water.

Consider making a new, healthy recipe.

If you are hosting a gathering or attending one elsewhere, try a new healthy recipe. Search the Internet for healthy holiday recipes.

Limit alcohol.

The holiday season is a time when the temptation to drink is strong, and alcohol consumption increases. One study showed that most Americans have no idea what high-risk drinking is and can promote a false sense of security regarding their limits.

Practice kindness.

One study showed how people felt after performing or observing acts of kindness every day for seven days. Happiness was measured before and after. The research found that being kind to ourselves or others (including strangers) boosted happiness.

Have a healthy holiday.

Accept that some interpersonal conflict is normal during the holidays, but instead of stressing over the small things, practice forgiveness and let go of resentment. Cultivate a positive holiday spirit through gratitude and strive for happiness and health.

Sanoviv Medical Institute wishes you a happy, healthy holiday season.