A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences discusses the potential to genetically modify different varieties of wheat to contain less immune stimulating glutens (prolamins) for patients diagnosed with gluten sensitivity or Celiac disease.

Is this dangerous?  If we look at other examples of genetic manipulation to grains and damage now being linked to them, the answer is yes.  The problem with genetically modified foods is that they have never been adequately studied to be safe.  There are too many unforeseeable consequences, and there is no way to adequately determine safety in humans without performing long term comprehensive research with humans.  Most likely, introducing a new species of grain into an already sick population will create many more problems than solutions.  Some research links the cross breading of wheat to the increased gluten toxicity that we currently face.

Wheat supplies about 20% of the total food calories consumed worldwide; and is a national staple in many countries. Besides being a key source of plant proteins, it is also a major cause of many diet-induced health issues, especially Celiac disease. The only effective treatment for this disease is a total gluten-free diet.

Looking Beyond Gluten – Genetically Modified Foods

In recent years, the popularity of the gluten free diet is definitely on the rise.  One of the reasons why it works well is because so many people are gluten sensitive; but are there other reasons why going on a TRUE gluten free diet can be so helpful?  The following is a list of additional reasons why a gluten free diet can be beneficial:

  1. A TRUE gluten free diet eliminates all grains and therefore eliminates a bulk of genetically hybridized and modified forms of food from the diet.
  2. Eliminating gluten/grain reduces the dietary exposure to toxic fungicides, herbicides, and pesticides.  Many of these chemicals are known to contribute to autoimmune disease and hormone disruption.
  3. Eliminating gluten/grain improves the omega 3 to omega 6 balance in the body – this balance regulates the process of inflammation and has a profound effect on joint and muscle pain.
  4. Eliminating gluten/grain reduces the quantity of digestive resistant lectins.  Many of these food compounds hinder digestion and contribute to inflammatory reactions in the body.
  5. Eliminates multiple chemical additives.  Most grain products contain a laundry list of ingredients that are not suitable for human health.
  6. Eliminates excessive carbohydrate consumption.  The human body is not designed to run on a high carbohydrate diet.  One of the major reasons we see obesity and diabetes increasing in epic fashion is the hyper consumption of grain based carbohydrate foods.  Despite popular belief, excessive grain consumption will not reduce your risk of heart disease.

Why do we assume that grain is such a healthy food?

The Food Guide Pyramid recommends large quantities of grain as a staple food in the diet. Why? Did you know that the U.S. Government mandated that processed grain products be fortified with vitamins and minerals in 1943? The reason? Processed grains caused nutritional diseases like Beri Beri and Pellagra (vitamin B1 and B3 deficiency respectively).

Detrimental Qualities of Grain (Including Whole Grain)

  • The seeds are doused with chemical hormones and pesticides like atrazine to aid in growth. These chemicals mimic estrogen and cause hormone disruption in both men and women.
  • Low in the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA (omega 3)
  • Poor source of complete protein
  • Contain enzyme inhibitors
  • Contains addictive proteins that can alter behavior, mood, and contribute to mental dysfunction
  • Contain anti nutrients that cause malabsorption of minerals
  • Contain autoimmune inducing peptides and lectins
  • Cause sodium and water retention
  • Cause excessive insulin response leading to weight gain and diabetes.

But Our Children Eat Grain –

  • Breakfast = Cereal, donuts, bagels, cereal bars, tortillas, toast, pancakes, etc.
  • Lunch = Sandwich breads and other types of “buns”, and whole grain crackers
  • Dinner = Pasta, pizza, breaded chicken fingers, hamburgers, etc
  • Snacks = Goldfish, whole grain crackers, drinks and fruit snacks loaded with corn syrup (yes, corn is a grain – not a vegetable).

Our children are fatter and sicker than they have ever been. According to statistics and recent published studies, half of kids today are overweight.

What Can You Do?

  • Become educated and make healthy diet changes for you and your family today.
    Here are some additional resources we recommend.




Non-GMO Shopping Guide to help you identify and avoid foods with GMOs.