Dr. Myron Wentz states, “Cellular nutrition means ensuring that the cells of our body receive all the nutrients they need for performing all cellular functions, repairing and regenerating structures, and preventing oxidative damage.” With this in mind, Dr. Wentz created Sanoviv as a toxin-free environment to encourage the body’s natural healing abilities. At Sanoviv, we obtain cellular nutrition from phytonutrients in our diet and from lifestyle factors, which help cells talk to the body through cell signaling.  

Cell signaling is a communication network among your cells, directing all cell actions. For example, your cells can signal other cells, causing your body to produce internal antioxidants in the correct amounts so your body can maintain health and preserve or regenerate cells as needed. Your cells communicate with each other, directing many other critical biological functions. This natural process happens daily and powers our bodies.

Cellular Nutrition Begins With Diet

Cellular nutrition begins with a healthy, whole-food diet. At Sanoviv, we recognize the power of a nourishing diet rich in organic vegetables, nuts, healthy fats, and some fruits – all of which contain a wide variety of antioxidants and phytonutrients. Many phytonutrients, or plant-derived biomolecules, carry specific messages for our cells, so think of food as information. That means when you choose quality food, you also select positive messages sent to your cells.  On the other hand, if you make poor food choices, you could send conflicting or destructive messages to your cells. 

To optimize cellular nutrition, consider adding these powerful phytonutrients to your daily diet:

  • Resveratrol is found in grape skins, blueberries, and cranberries and can be easily added to smoothies, salads, or healthy dessert treats. Try freezing grapes or making a blueberry sorbet with frozen blueberries for a phytonutrient-rich dessert.
  • Olives contain about 25 different health-promoting phytonutrients, offering both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Consider adding one salad daily to your diet, and instead of using a commercial salad dressing, use lemon and a high-quality, organic, extra-virgin olive oil. Infuse the oils with fresh herbs and spices for added nutrition.
  • Sulforaphane is found mainly in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, arugula, and Brussels sprouts. Broccoli sprouts are the richest source of sulforaphane, an organic sulfur compound with antimicrobial and potent anti-cancer properties. It also normalizes DNA methylation, which plays a role in many diseases, making it a powerful cell-signaling nutrient.
  • Ginger root is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant spice that may help protect against cancer. It is excellent for the intestines and is one of the best remedies for nausea. Add freshly grated ginger to smoothies, salad dressings, and steamed vegetables.
  • Green tea extract contains EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which can signal your cells to produce their own internal antioxidants. Green tea extract has been widely studied for its many health benefits, including helping with weight loss. Drink it hot daily or brew it, cool it, and use it as a base for your smoothies.

Lifestyle Factors Affecting Cellular Health

Essential lifestyle factors such as sleep, exercise, environment, and attitude influence cellular communication. At Sanoviv, these factors are an important part of cellular nutrition. Inadequate sleep, lack of physical activity or excessive exercise, and a toxic environment (including toxic people) can negatively affect your health and send the wrong messages to your cells. Start thinking about lifestyle factors to optimize cellular nutrition:

  • Sleep is essential to a well-functioning immune system and necessary for optimal health. If you are not sleeping well, this should be a priority in your health plan. Start improving sleep by going to bed and rising at about the same time daily. Make your bedroom a sanctuary for good sleep. Learn more about healthy sleep.
  • Exercise or regular physical activity is vital for maintaining good health and function. However, excessive exercise can create too much oxidative stress and send the wrong messages to your cells.
  • A healthy environment is important to stimulate the body’s natural healing ability. Since toxicity is at the root of most chronic illnesses, decrease toxins in your home and work environment. (Refer to The Healthy Home, by Dr. Myron Wentz and Dave Wentz)
  • Attitude is an essential part of cellular health. Adopt a positive approach to life to feed your cells the right messages. Consider the many psychological tools and energetic techniques to clear “stuck” emotions. Learn to meditate, forgive, laugh daily, and love life.

“The cell – elegant, resourceful, marvelously intricate. The fundamental unit of life. Poison it, injure it, or starve it, and the resulting damage causes degeneration and disease. Nurture it, protect it, and feed it with the nutrients it needs, and it repairs itself, providing health and longevity.” (Invisible Miracles, 2002.) Every day, you have a choice about the messages you send to your cells. For optimal cellular nutrition, make the best possible choices each day.