Cholesterol is a vital molecule, without which all of us would die.  It has been demonized by the makers of statin drugs and as a result, most people have become conditioned to avoid foods containing cholesterol. This is a big mistake that can place a bigger burden on the body since cholesterol supports the body’s needs. It helps us to make Vitamin D, sex hormones, and steroid hormones.  It is also essential to all of our cell membranes and important to the brain for nerve signal function. It also plays a role in the metabolism of fats and our immune defenses. Therefore suppressing or avoiding cholesterol can deprive us of several important nutrients and impair many body functions.

Here at Sanoviv we recognize the importance of cholesterol as a remarkable and necessary substance.
The cholesterol-heart disease theory is a myth, and there are many studies that actually support this fact. We also improve the body’s utilization of this important nutrient that is mainly made in the liver, although some is obtained from food. Cholesterol is not the big elephant in the room; it is not the underlying cause of the #1 killer in the world (heart disease).  What really contributes to the world epidemic of cardiovascular disease is oxidized cholesterol or small density cholesterol molecules in addition to sugar, inflammation from gastrointestinal tract, dental inflammation (gums) as well as toxicity and heavy metals.

It is important to reduce cardiovascular risk, but focusing on cholesterol is not the answer. At Sanoviv we reduce risk by using nutrients and educating about diet and lifestyle.  Our focus includes the following tips:

  • Improve blood vessel health by using a combination of magnesium, activated folic acid, B-complex vitamins, balanced essential fatty acids, L-arginine and other key nutrients.
  • The best way to improve your body’s utilization of cholesterol is by using balanced essential fatty acids, fermented garlic, Coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine, chromium, curcumin, quercetin, niacin, vitamin E, and resveratrol.
  • Support the liver which is where most blood cholesterol is produced.  A good liver formula includes nutrients such as milk thistle, N-acetyl-cysteine, alpha lipoic acid and turmeric.
  • Reduce stress and practice regular physical activity and breathing exercises. Spend time outdoors.
  • Eat healthy cholesterol-enriched foods like eggs, liver and oysters along with fermented foods such as yogurt and fermented vegetables. Eat sulfur rich foods like garlic and onions. Avoid sugar and hydrogenated oils (most processed foods) and drink plenty of pure water.


Sanoviv recommends the following books to help you better understand the importance of cholesterol and the myths surrounding the use of drug therapy for the prevention of heart disease:

The Great Cholesterol Myth: Why Lowering Your Cholesterol Won’t Prevent Heart Disease

The Statin Free Plan by Jonny Bowden PhD, CNS and Stephen Sinatra MD

Ignore the awkward! How the Cholesterol Myths are Kept Alive by Uffe Ravnskov

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Heart Disease by Mark Houston MD