When I was young, I surreptitiously used my toes when I had to count higher than ten.  These days, I know to count on my feet to help keep me healthy.  They are my primary mode of transportation, my foundation for exercise, and the keeper of pressure points that resonate throughout my body.

I gave up my beloved nail polish soon after joining Sanoviv in spring, 2010 when I learned that it was not only discoloring my nails, but the fumes of the polish and remover were harmful to my lungs and nervous system.  I was painting my body with poisonous chemicals. 

It took a while for my toenails to recover, but with loving attention, they gradually became healthy with a natural shine.  Gentle smoothing also helped remove calluses so my feet don’t have to breathe through layers of dead skin and I learned self foot massage by reading about reflexology.

Add in a homemade brown sugar scrub, and a monthly natural pedicure with a paraffin wrap at Sanoviv, and my tootsies are positively glowing.  Perhaps I imagine the envious glances at my smooth, shiny toenails, but even better I visualize how the blood circulates freely, the nailbeds can breathe without a constant toxic filter, and I can feel the grass, smooth pebbles, and concrete stimulate my reflexology points.  I put my best foot forward every day. ~ Elaine