Arely Espinoza
I love the place that I live. It is always a good day for me, living in Playas de Rosarito is a reason why to be so happy all the time. I believe that nature makes a great impact on our mood; the view we have not only in my hometown but also in my work area, where I can enjoy the beach so close, close enough to feel the breeze and smell the sea; even that is therapeutical to become the best version of yourself. I enjoy going to the GYM and lifting weights, although I have been trying Yoga and have enjoyed it very much. Something that I could not live without is music because my best hobby is dancing. I love to spend my time with family, friends and friends that become family; I like to share my time with loved ones, learning from their experience is something I cherish because seeing that sparkle in their eyes whenever they share something exiting or not so amusing makes you feel as if you have lived the same experience.