Brainspotting is a Mind-Body therapy initially designed to help people work through experiences of trauma, especially those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It can help anyone deal with unresolved emotions. The process allows access to emotions on a deep level so that even the physical effects of trauma, including many different health conditions, can be targeted.

Recent research suggests trauma may be “stored” in the body, possibly altering the way the brain works. Brainspotting helps the body heal itself from trauma. Some evidence suggests that this therapy works to change the limbic system of the brain, which houses a collection of structures that play essential roles in emotion, cognition, memory, impulse control, motivation, and other psychological factors.

Brainspotting grew out of the work of psychologist David Grand, Ph.D., who discovered that “where you look affects how you feel.” Grand believed that a person’s eye movements and the direction in which he or she looks play a part in determining mood. The term “brainspot” represents the correlation between an eye position and the part of the brain that holds a negative memory or emotion. It is the brain’s activity that organizes itself around that eye position. Grand based some of his theory on similar approaches, such as eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR) and somatic experiencing (SE). He believes therapists can help people position their eyes in specific ways that allow them to target and release any sources of negative emotion.

Brainspotting can be used to access, diagnose, and treat emotional and somatic conditions. It is theorized that brainspotting may act as a stimulant to promote activity in the brain and body that can help the body’s natural healing processes. This therapy session occurs in a one-on-one session that involves a trained practitioner assisting the client in repositioning the eyes in ways that allow the practitioner to target and reduce the sources of negative emotion. This is done with a pointer, which the therapist uses to slowly guide the eyes of the client through his or her field of vision. During this process, the client and therapist can identify “brainspots,” which are eye positions that activate memories and the associated emotions.

Our therapists provide a safe, comfortable environment during the brainspotting process, to ensure that the guest is relaxed and able to do this work. Clients can combine brainspotting with other complementary therapies, such as chiropractic, physical therapy, or bioenergetic services, to yield the best results. This is why brainspotting therapy can work so well at Sanoviv. Consider this Mind-Body therapy during your next Sanoviv visit.